Harvey, G. (2020) Ostracism. ICSA Today. 11(3), 7–9.
Harvey, G. (2021) I never intended to do a doctorate! Waverley Abbey Journal 1(1), March 2021.
**I have also contributed a chapter entitled ‘The impact of completing a doctorate as an older person in a global pandemic and the steps taken to protect my mental health and well-being’ for the Handbook of Academic Mental Health being published by Brisbane University in 2024.**
- D.Psych
- M.A.
- MBACP (Snr Accred)
- FD Couns. (Open)
- Dip. Sup
- Dip. Couns. (CPCAB)
- Dip. In CBT (CPCAB)
- B A Hons (Open)
- Dip. App SS (Open)

“I really enjoyed it, and I think the mark of good training is when you keep returning to it over the ensuing weeks and thinking it through a bit more”
“I enjoyed the seminar tremendously. It was well worth the journey.”